potpourri no.3

mind stuff

happy august, everyone! this summer has really flown by. this week's potpourri is a little barren. feeling a tad overwhelmed in life in this current moment. still some cool stuff to round up, though!

slapping on the bow

games round up: international trade

at my internship, i have now posted my first blog post! it is a round up of different games that discuss international trade! through the writing of this blog, i found that there aren't really many games about international trade. this is an underexplored issue area for games designed as serious. i also explored how entertainment-first games can inspire their players to learn more about the real-world economies they are based on.


c0mput3r 5c3n4r105

someone shared #coffee is the color in the creatives club discord server. it is a website of hex codes that are either real words, or look like real words in 1337speak.

inspired by this, i started to find words that have similar meanings or commonalities in some fashion. thus, this birthed "c0mput3r 5c3n4r105," a series of visualizations based on these hex code groupings made in javascript. these require a pretty low amount of effort, so they have been nice to work on in the background!

evanescent interests


nam june paik - tv buddha

left eye & eric cartman

bits (tv series, 1999 - 2001)

batman: digital justice

reboot (tv series, 1994 - 2001)

🌱 sprouts from my mind garden

the mind garden is going through a drought right now. come back for harvest later when it is watered!

if you would like to see some stuff from me, i have been trying to make an effort to post more on my instagram (though who knows how long it will last): @marcinek.tech. i post everything there here, too, but i am easier to reach on that platform.


events & opportunities

memento vivere,

kristen πŸ’Œ